Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The Power of the Holy Spirit

John 14:16-17   (CEB)
I will ask the Father, and he will send another Companion, who will be with you forever. This Companion is the Spirit of Truth, whom the world can’t receive because it neither sees him nor recognizes him. You know him, because he lives with you and will be with you.

Ephesians 1:13-14   (CEB)
You too heard the word of truth in Christ, which is the good news of your salvation. You were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit because you believed in Christ. The Holy Spirit is the down payment on our inheritance, which is applied toward our redemption as God’s own people, resulting in the honor of God’s glory.

This has been an interesting week.

This morning I took Nancy to the airport as she flies to North Carolina to help get her mom’s house closed up

For the past three days I have been attending the Annual Conference of the Indiana Conference of the United Methodist Church.

The Annual Conference is the body that sets the policy and the tone for United Methodists throughout Indiana. 

One of the most important things that we do is affirm candidates for ministry as well as commission and ordain new pastors. 
But we do much more than that. 
We celebrate those who are retiring from active ministry --- and we saw 70 elders, deacons, local and supply pastors retiring this year. 

We also remember those who have died in the past year --- and much like we do here on All Saints Sunday --- the names of 56 deceased clergy and spouses were read and honored for their lives and legacies.

Certainly one of the highlights of the conference was the powerful and challenging message of our Bishop -- Julius Trimble --- when he preached his Episcopal address. 
His sermon evoked memories of Dr Martin Luther King, as he reminded us:
”There’s nothing you can do—or anyone else can do—to change your sacred worth in Jesus Christ. That has always been settled!”

But, unfortunately, what became the main event this year was the election of Clergy and Lay delegates who will represent Indiana at the 2020 General Conference. 

It took up a huge amount of time and energy --- but is important. 

The clergy delegation that was elected was 100% persons who disagreed with the Traditional Plan that was adopted in St Louis earlier this year --- including Pastor Matt.

The theme of this year's conference was From Water to Witness and it was a reminder of the gift that God has giving us. 
And we were reminded that nobody voted you into the church.

Just a little while earlier we welcomed Margret Louise into the family of God.
          How did that happen?
          How did she get to join the family of God?
          Did she do something to earn it?

Of course not!
          It is a gift from God
          It is the action of the Holy Spirit working in our lives seeking to change us

Last week Matt reminded us of the chaos and challenge that was that first Pentecost for the fledgling community of followers of Jesus.

Jesus was dead --- his followers, we are told, had experienced his resurrection in some powerful ways.

Yet something was missing --- they did not have the zeal --- they did not have the passion to risk their lives to change the world.

What happened?
          Pentecost happened
                    The Holy Spirit came

I am not sure why they seemed so surprised.

In one of the most powerful parts of the New Testament John shares what we have come to call Jesus farewell discourse.

Jesus is trying to prepare his followers so that when he is murdered by the Roman authorities they are not caught off guard.  And he makes a profound promise to them.

(John 14:1-4,18-19,25-27 NRSV)  "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. {2} In my Father's house there are many dwelling places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? {3} And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, so that where I am, there you may be also. {4} And you know the way to the place where I am going."(18)  "I will not leave you orphaned; I am coming to you. {19} In a little while the world will no longer see me, but you will see me; because I live, you also will live. (25)  "I have said these things to you while I am still with you. {26} But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you. {27} Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.

But on that day of Pentecost everything changed

They moved from the waters of baptism to witnessing ---
to telling/living the story of Jesus
It is because of those who were transformed on that day of Pentecost that we are here

We may not agree on every biblical or theological interpretation --- actually I am pretty certain that there are things that we don't agree on (and I am speaking to each one of you individually).
          But that is OK

For me one of the most important realizations is to accept the fact that we are all hypocrites --- we just each pick different things to be hypocritical about.

Robert Farrar Capon reminded us:
          “God’s grace in Jesus Christ isn’t cheap. It’s not even expensive. It’s free.”

It is the Spirit of God, the ruacḥ ha-kodesh, that brings us together.

It is God's spirit that reminds us that we are beloved children of God --- despite ourselves.

The purpose of the Holy Spirit is to move us from the waters of baptism to sharing the grace that we have been blessed with.

But we need to be careful --- listen again to Robert Farrar Capon
“The Gospel of grace must not be turned into a bait-and-switch offer. It is not one of those airline supersavers in which you read of a $59.00 fare to Orlando only to find, when you try to buy a ticket, that the six seats per flight at that price are all taken and that the trip will now cost you $199.95. Jesus must not be read as having baited us with grace only to clobber us in the end with law. For as the death and resurrection of Jesus were accomplished once and for all, so the grace that reigns by those mysteries reigns eternally - even in the thick of judgment.”

“God’s grace in Jesus Christ isn’t cheap. It’s not even expensive. It’s free.”

The spirit comes to you
          comes to me
                   NOT because we are worthy
But precisely because we are not worthy

We must be very careful not to believe that God's grace is sufficient for us --- but isn't sufficient for someone else.

Catherine LaCugna (1952–1997) ended her giant theological tome God for Us with this one simple sentence:
The very nature of God, therefore, is to seek out the deepest possible communion and friendship with every last creature on this earth.

That’s God’s job description.
The Holy Spirit is how God does that.

That’s what it’s all about.

Let me ask you a simple question and leave you with something to ponder.
What would happen in your life—right now—if you fully accepted what God has created -- is creating in you?

What if you truly welcomed the Holy Spirit --- the ruacḥ ha-kodesh --- into your life?

Suddenly, this following Jesus is much safer.

You have nothing to be afraid of.
God is for you.
God is not expecting you to do the heavy lifting --- because God has already done it for you. 
And God is actually leaping toward you!

God is on your side, honestly more than you are on your own.

E Stanley Jones, that great Methodist Missionary of days gone by was originally trained to be a lawyer.

After he became a Christian he as was asked to preach a sermon and he said that he wanted to preach the greatest defense of God ever given.

He worked hard preparing this defense of God
And the day came he got up to preach --- and it bombed
As he was concluding the sermon --- he knew he had bombed and in that instant God spoke to him

God said --- why do you need to defend me? 
What I need you to do is witness for me.

Recognizing that his sermon was a disaster --- E Stanley Jones stopped and just shared how much God loved him --- even him
And he became --- certainly in the Methodist Church one of the greatest witnesses for God

We don't need to defend God
          We don't even need to prove God to someone

All we need to do is let the Holy Spirit shine through our lives and let our lives be a witness for Jesus.

Let me close with this prayer, this poem from Mechthild of Magdeburg (1207–c. 1282/1294)
Love flows from God into [humans]
Like a bird
Who rivers the air
Without moving her wings.
. . . Thus we move in [God’s] world
One in body and soul, . . .
Though outwardly separate in form.
As the Source strikes the note,
Humanity sings—
The Holy Spirit is our harpist,
And all strings
Which are touched in Love
Must sound.

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